Wednesday 22 April 2020

Daily Connection question

What are 5 things on your bucket list?
5 things on my bucket list are
1. get a job
2. get good at art
3. make a hole in my wall
4. get a nice car
5. get 7 cats


  1. Hi Ava, I like your bucket list. I liked the 7 cats bit because my family tell me that, that will be me too. What sort of job would you like? Is it a dream job or just one to get money. If I may also ask, Why do you want a hole in your wall? Also what sort of car is a nice car for you? I like how easy your bucket list is to read. Well done. Sharron

  2. Hello Ava,
    I have to ask...a hole in your wall? What ever would you want a hole in your wall for?
    Mrs Gibson

    1. Hi, i don't have a clue teehee just thought it would look cool 😎


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